Not Seeing Results from SEO? Diagnose & Treat Action Plan


So, you did some SEO work a few weeks ago, maybe a few months ago, and are looking for other ways to improve your ranking because it either worked well or you are not showing up for searches that you like to show up for.

A few overarching things to consider:

  • Each search query has a varying level of competition. For instance, a search like 'running shoe' is broad & competitive.

  • Each search query is nuanced for a user, location, search history, time of search, and 100s more factors.

Sometimes when we finish a project, clients send us comments a few days later saying they already see results. Awesome, but it's not typical in our experience. 

And indeed, I would charge a lot more if I had that secret power to control Google. Here are our top suggestions for considering, especially if you have done a package with us.

Diagnose & Treat

1. When did you complete the initial SEO work? If it was in the past few weeks, it's too early. You'll need to give it at least six months if it is a new website.

Recommendation: For sites with lots of content and have been up for more than a year, give it three months minimum to see what comes before trying something new.

For new sites, please focus on the following question below & give it at least six months.

2. Did you complete the recommendations we provided? The list of recommendations is tailored to your website and moving forward. We do our work as a one-time service as it's the best way to support small businesses who are not looking to fork out $200/m+ for a subscription.

Most importantly, if you have limited content (say, less than seven pages), you must blog if you want to see real headway on your search results.

Recommendation: Follow-up with the recommendations we initially sent in 99designs. It's a great place to start. If you need help with blogging, check out our Ultimate Guide for Blogging in 2021.

3. If you are a local business, have you been posting and updating your Yelp/Google My Business? This one is a big deal. If you are trying to show up for local search, it's essential to optimize and consistently update.

Recommendation: Access the Podia course and review the content.  If you don't actively log in to Yelp & Google My Business each week, start! Remember SEO is not just about Google (it's also about Google Maps, Google Images, Yelp Search).

4. Which package did you do? Our Jumpstart (smallest package) is excellent for getting you off the ground. But, it's limited if you are looking for real growth and attention on search engines.

Recommendation: SEO, like any marketing effort, is an investment into your business. Consider what other ways you are investing in your business at the moment.

If you have more questions, let us know.

Launch Happy

We help creatives turn their passion into a marketable, profitable business. Since 2014, We’ve become the top search specialist helping clients get more traffic on their Squarespace website. Today, we have built over 200+ websites & worked on over 750 SEO projects on Squarespace.

Guide: Set up a 301 Redirect and Notify Google [Step-by-Step SEO Training]


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