Publishing Made Easy: The Foolproof Method for Squarespace Website Owners

Publishing Your Squarespace Website

Connecting Your Domain

Connecting your domain to your Squarespace site is a crucial step in making your website accessible to visitors. If you have a domain, ensure it meets the requirements for connecting a third-party domain. Use a DNS Template to automatically load the necessary Squarespace records. This process can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to complete.

Steps to Connect Your Domain:

  1. Log in to Squarespace: Access your Squarespace account and navigate to the settings.

  2. Go to Domains: Under the settings menu, select "Domains."

  3. Connect a Third-Party Domain: Choose the option to connect a third-party domain.

  4. Enter Your Domain Name: Input the domain name you purchased from

  5. Update DNS Settings: Use the DNS Template to load the Squarespace records.

  6. Verify Connection: Once the DNS settings are updated, Squarespace will verify the connection.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, refer to our squarespace website publishing guide.

Sharing a Site in Development

Sharing your Squarespace site while it is still in development allows for feedback and collaboration before it goes live. Squarespace offers a "view" invitation feature for this purpose.

Steps to Share a Site in Development:

  1. Access Settings: In your Squarespace dashboard, go to Settings.

  2. Navigate to Permissions: Under the Permissions tab, find the option to invite viewers.

  3. Send a View Invitation: Enter the email address of the person you want to invite. They will receive an email with a link to view the site.

While using the "preview" function, you can incorporate a new template into an existing site and construct it before making it live (Squarespace Forum). However, there isn't an effective way to publicly share a site that isn't live beyond this method.

For more insights on the deployment process, visit our squarespace website deployment process.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly connect your domain and share your site in development, ensuring a smooth and efficient launch. For a comprehensive checklist, refer to our squarespace website launch checklist.

Site Visibility Options

Choosing the right visibility setting for your Squarespace website is crucial for controlling who can access your site and ensuring your content reaches the right audience. This section explores the various options available for site visibility.

Making Your Site Public

Making your site public is the default option for most published Squarespace sites. When you make your site public, all visitors can access it, and it becomes visible to search engines (Squarespace Support). This setting is ideal for sites that are ready to be shared with the world.

To make your site public, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings in your Squarespace dashboard.

  2. Click on Site Availability.

  3. Select Public.

  4. Save your changes.

For a comprehensive guide, refer to our squarespace website publishing guide.

Visibility Option Access Ideal For
Public Everyone Published sites, SEO visibility

Password-Protected Sites

Password-protected sites require visitors to enter a password to access the content. This setting is useful for trial sites or exclusive content where access needs to be limited (Squarespace Support).

To set up a password-protected site:

  1. Go to Settings in your Squarespace dashboard.

  2. Click on Site Availability.

  3. Select Password Protected.

  4. Enter the desired password.

  5. Save your changes.

This method ensures that only users with the password can view your site, making it perfect for limited-time promotions or member-only areas.

Visibility Option Access Ideal For
Password-Protected Visitors with password Exclusive content, trial sites

Private Site Settings

Private sites are only visible to site owners and contributors with login permissions. Other visitors will see an owner login page or a "Private Site" message when attempting to access the site (Squarespace Support). This setting is helpful while building the site or when temporarily hiding it for content changes.

To make your site private:

  1. Open Settings in your Squarespace dashboard.

  2. Click on Site Availability.

  3. Select Private.

  4. Save your changes.

Private sites are ideal for development stages, ensuring that your work remains unseen by the public until it’s ready for launch. During this phase, you can follow our squarespace website launch checklist for a smooth transition to public status.

Visibility Option Access Ideal For
Private Site owners and contributors Development stages, content updates

Understanding these site visibility options will help you effectively manage who can access your Squarespace website. For more detailed instructions, visit our squarespace website deployment process.

Unpublishing and Promoting Your Site

Unpublishing Your Squarespace Site

Unpublishing your Squarespace site can be necessary for various reasons, such as making significant updates or temporarily taking your site offline. Squarespace provides several methods to unpublish your site, ensuring that you have control over its visibility.

  1. Setting Your Site to Private: This option can be useful if you want to make changes without visitors seeing them. Navigate to your Site Availability settings and select Private. This ensures that only you and authorized contributors can access the site, while other visitors see a login page.

  2. Password-Protected Sites: If you need to share your site with specific individuals while it’s unpublished, consider setting a site-wide password. This keeps your site hidden from search engines while allowing visitors with the password to access it. This method is particularly useful during a trial period.

  3. Unpublishing Entirely: To unpublish your site completely, go to Settings, then Site Availability, and select Unpublished. This removes your site from public view altogether.

For detailed steps on how to unpublish your site, refer to our squarespace website publishing guide.

Promotional Opportunities

Once your Squarespace site is published, promoting it effectively can significantly increase traffic and visibility. Squarespace offers several promotional opportunities and tips to help you achieve this.

  1. Utilize Social Media: Promote your site on various social media platforms. Share engaging content, updates, and links to your site to attract visitors. Squarespace may also feature your site on their Templates page or social media accounts, potentially driving more traffic to your website (Squarespace Support).

  2. Optimize for SEO: Implement SEO best practices to improve your site's ranking on search engines. Use relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and ensure your site is mobile-friendly. For expert SEO services, consider using

  3. Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters to keep your audience engaged. Announce new content, special offers, and updates to encourage repeat visits.

  4. Leverage Blogging: Regularly update your blog with valuable content related to your industry. This not only attracts visitors but also establishes your site as a trusted source of information.

  5. Submit Your Site to Online Directories: List your website in online directories and business listings to increase its visibility.

Promotional Method Description
Social Media Share content and updates to attract visitors.
SEO Optimization Use keywords and high-quality content to improve search ranking.
Email Marketing Send newsletters to engage your audience.
Blogging Update with valuable content to attract and retain visitors.
Online Directories List your site to increase visibility.

For more tips on promoting your site, check out our squarespace website launch checklist.

By utilizing these promotional opportunities, you can effectively increase your site's visibility and drive more traffic to your Squarespace website. For additional guidance, explore our publish squarespace site live guide.

Squarespace Plans and Domains

Squarespace offers a variety of plans and domain management options designed to meet the needs of different website owners. Understanding your options can help you choose the best plan and manage your domain effectively.

Choosing the Right Plan

Selecting the right plan for your Squarespace website is crucial for ensuring you have the necessary features and support for your online presence. Squarespace offers several plans, each catering to different levels of complexity and functionality.

PlanMonthly CostFeaturesPersonal$16Basic website features, SSL security, 24/7 customer supportBusiness$26All Personal features + professional email from Google, premium integrations, advanced analytics, and the ability to accept donationsBasic Commerce$30All Business features + eCommerce capabilities, no transaction fees, customer accounts, and powerful commerce analyticsAdvanced Commerce$46All Basic Commerce features + advanced shipping, subscriptions, advanced discounts, and the ability to sell gift cardsEnterpriseCustom PricingCustom solutions and dedicated support for large-scale businesses

Source: Squarespace Support

For most website owners, the Business plan offers a good balance of features and affordability. If you need eCommerce capabilities, the Basic Commerce or Advanced Commerce plans are ideal. For large enterprises, the Enterprise plan provides customized solutions and support.

For more detailed comparisons and to understand which plan suits your needs, refer to our Squarespace website launch checklist.

Managing Your Domain

Managing your domain within Squarespace is straightforward, whether you are registering a new domain or connecting an existing one. Squarespace provides comprehensive resources to help you through this process.

Registering a Domain

Registering a domain through Squarespace is a seamless process. You can quickly obtain custom domains for your site, which will automatically include a secure connection at no additional cost. Squarespace also offers 24/7 domain security monitoring to enhance site security.

Domain ServiceFeaturesRegistrationQuick registration, SSL included, 24/7 monitoringTransferFree SSL certificate, centralized management, 24/7 monitoring

Source: Squarespace Support

Connecting an Existing Domain

If you have a domain from a third-party provider, you can either transfer it to Squarespace or connect it. Transferring your domain to Squarespace is recommended as it allows for centralized management of all aspects of your site and provides added security features such as a free SSL certificate.

For more information on how to connect or transfer your domain, visit our Squarespace website publishing guide.

Top-Level Domains

Squarespace offers various top-level domains (TLDs) and country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) for purchase. This allows you to choose a domain that best fits your branding and preferences.

TLD OptionsExamplesGeneric, .net, .orgCountry Code, .uk, .ca

Source: Squarespace Support

By understanding and managing your domain effectively, you can enhance your website’s professional look and strengthen your branding. For further guidance on managing your domain and other aspects of your website, check out our publish squarespace site live and squarespace website deployment process articles.

Setting Up Your Domain

Setting up your domain is a crucial step in making your Squarespace website accessible to visitors. This section will guide you through the process of connecting and configuring your domain for a seamless experience.

Connecting Your Domain

When you purchase a domain through Squarespace, the process is straightforward and ensures that your domain automatically has a secure connection without additional costs. Squarespace also provides 24/7 domain security monitoring, enhancing your site's security (Squarespace Support).

If you've purchased a domain from a third-party provider, you have two options: transfer the domain to Squarespace or connect it. Transferring your domain centralizes the management of your site and grants a free SSL certificate along with 24/7 monitoring.

For those who prefer not to transfer, you can connect your domain by creating a CNAME and two A records in your DNS settings (Duda Support).

Domain Connection MethodBenefitsSquarespace DomainAutomatic secure connection, 24/7 security monitoringTransferred DomainCentralized management, free SSL, 24/7 monitoringConnected DomainUse existing domain, create CNAME and A records

For detailed steps on connecting your domain, refer to our Squarespace website publishing guide.

Configuring Your Domain

Once your domain is connected, the next step is to configure it to ensure smooth operation. This involves setting up DNS records and ensuring that your site is accessible through the desired URL.

  1. Access DNS Settings: Log in to your domain host provider and navigate to the DNS settings section.

  2. Add DNS Records: Create the necessary DNS records. For Squarespace, you typically need:

  • Two A Records: Pointing to Squarespace IP addresses.

  • One CNAME Record: Pointing to

  1. Save Changes: Save the DNS settings and allow some time for the changes to propagate.

If your domain host provider is not listed in Squarespace's supported providers, you may need to manually configure your domain by adding the A and CNAME records.

For more detailed instructions, visit our squarespace website deployment process.

DNS Record TypeValueA RecordSquarespace IP addressesCNAME

By following these steps, you can confidently set up and configure your domain, making your Squarespace website ready for visitors. For additional tips and best practices, check out our squarespace website launch checklist.

SSL and Site Security

Ensuring the security of your Squarespace website is crucial for maintaining trust with your visitors and protecting sensitive data. One of the most effective ways to secure your site is by implementing SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates.

Implementing SSL

SSL encrypts the data passed between your web server and the browsers of your visitors, ensuring that the information remains private and integral. As of November 14, 2018, SSL is enabled by default on all new Webflow sites. For Squarespace users, enabling SSL is straightforward and can be done in the Site settings.

Steps to Enable SSL:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the Home Menu.

  2. Click Advanced and then SSL.

  3. Ensure the Secure (Preferred) option is selected.

By enabling SSL, you ensure that your site is labeled "secure" by browsers, which can positively impact your site's credibility and SEO. Sites that do not use SSL may be labeled "not secure," potentially discouraging visitors from accessing your site (Webflow University).

Custom SSL Certificates

For those seeking greater flexibility, you can opt to upload your own custom SSL certificates. Custom certificates provide more control over your site's security but require obtaining these certificates from a third-party service, as Squarespace does not issue custom SSL certificates.

Steps to Upload Custom SSL Certificates:

  1. Obtain a custom SSL certificate from a third-party provider.

  2. In the Settings menu, navigate to Advanced and then SSL.

  3. Select Add Custom SSL Certificate.

  4. Follow the prompts to upload your certificate and private key.

Keep in mind that if you use a custom SSL certificate, you must manually update it before it expires. Failure to do so can result in your site being labeled as "not secure".

SSL TypeDefault SSLCustom SSLIssued BySquarespaceThird-Party ProviderRenewalAutomaticManualFlexibilityLimitedHigh

Implementing SSL is a key step in your Squarespace website deployment process. For a detailed guide on publishing your site live, check out our Squarespace website publishing guide. Ensure your site remains secure and trusted by your audience by taking the necessary steps to enable and maintain SSL certificates.


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