SEO Isn’t For You, Unless [4 Tips to Understand SEO]

SEO is not for most businesses.

Ah!, did I just really say that?


SEO is not for most businesses.

Before you throw your computer at the wall, let me give you a few key insights into how to use SEO to your advantage (especially if you are working with a firm like Spacebar) & get the most out of it.

SEO is not for you unless you have clear (realistic) goal

Sometimes, people come to us and say things like...

"My company as been online for 20 years"

"I have great SEO because of keywords"

"We just need to add keywords"

Most people have their own theories about how Google works.

But the reality is that most of us are wrong.

Let's just take a look at this screenshot below.

google ads, Squarespace SEO, Spacebar Agency

I've heard it quite a few times - people say they never click on ads. But all the products (images you see) are ads.

Yep, not just the text that says ads.

Now, take a look at this example below.

This shows Google maps results. These are not SEO results - they are more specifically Google My Business results. Technically, a website isn't even required for these types of results.

google maps, Squarespace SEO, Spacebar Agency

So tip #1: Ensure you understand what is even possible with SEO for your business.

If you run an e-commerce site and want to sell products on Google, I recommend Shopify. Oh, was that too soon? I know, sorry but Squarespace is not ideal.

If you run a local store, a mix of SEO & Google My Business optimization is ideal.

If you run a consultancy, general SEO is a great focus to begin.

If you don't really care a lot about SEO, I recommend investing in basic, technical SEO. Why? You want to ensure your pages are loading properly and looks good on Google. So, instead of this...

(this image below happens to include their built-in domain, not their custom domain)

built in domain, Squarespace SEO, Spacebar Agency

…you can have this…

(everything is populating as it should. It’s clear and useful.)

correct google ad, Squarespace SEO, Spacebar Agency

That way when your ideal customer does search for you, they find what they are looking for.

Here is tip #2:

SEO is not for you unless you know it's not a single method or single implementation

SEO is like a game of chess, where no one fully knows the rules.

But this shouldn't make you worry.

This actually is a good thing.

Because if it were easy, then, it wouldn't be as fruitful/worthwhile.

You need to build authority. And that means earning respect and value and any true respect or value takes time to build.

You can’t buy your way into real relationships any more than you can force people to buy your products. - Paul Jarvis, Author of Company of One

So, know that this isn't a one-time thing that automatically gets better over time.

At Spacebar we do a one-time project for our clients to get them started. Keyword in that sentence: started.

Once they are started on the right foot, with expert help… we give them access to our course, and they join our private membership for all our clients.

That way, they are heading in the right direction long term.

Tip #3:

SEO is not for you unless you have a budget to do other marketing, blogging, or outreach efforts

Ah, I cringe when a client tells me SEO will be their saving grace.

No, please do not put that pressure on any marketing effort, but especially SEO.

SEO is a long game and each keyword you want to rank for can have varying levels of difficulty.

For instance, ranking #1 for Business Consultant... that's difficult.

But ranking #1 for Small Business Consultant, London... that's less difficult.

But then, ranking #1 for Small Business Consultant for Bakeries London, that's hyper-specific and could be ideal if that is your clientele.

So, understand, dear business owner. If you just launched your site and only have $1000 to spend on marketing, please do not put all that money into SEO, especially a one-time service. Rather, I'd advise taking a course, instead. Spend a day and you can get 80% of the way there. Then, spend the rest of your money on other marketing efforts.

Tip #4:

Finally, SEO is not for you unless you understand their is no magic trick or method to improving results

I sometimes feel like SEO services are similar to a car mechanic's shop fixing a 20 year old vehicle.

The mechanic makes a hypothesis...

If we replace the starter, you should be good to go.

Then, you pay for that and a week later you run into another issue with your vehicle.

The mechanic did fix the starter but now the spark plugs are not working. It's unfortunate.

And it feels so similar to SEO because it's important to keep this in mind: The best expert in the world - heck, Neil Patel even - cannot guarantee any type of outcome.

The only thing Neil or any SEO expert can control is the inputs, not the outcomes. (That sounds like life advice, too?…)

And though it may sound a bit like a cop-out, it's true with any and all marketing (and creative work). The outcomes are out of the control of the agency or the business.

So it's important to go in with a mindset of experiments: Start a trial on a hypothesis, give it a test, and see what happens. From there, make adjustments or try something else. That is the essence of any good marketing.

Final thoughts

Do not do SEO on your Squarespace website unless:

  • You understand your specific business needs are: Do you need to optimize your site's SEO or your Google My Business listing or both?

  • You have the budget for additional marketing efforts: SEO services should never be a last resort or an only resort effort. It should be paired with additional marketing like blogging, advertising, podcasting, etc.

  • You intend to continue improving your site over time: There is no one & done method with SEO so keep that in mind as you grow.

  • You embrace the mystery of SEO: A few years ago, Google updated their algorithm so that the mobile experience is more important than the desktop experience. Today, Google may update their algorithm again... like literally today.

  • Have a long-term plan ahead: There are no magic tricks or beat the system methods. There is no quick solution.

If you want more information on this topic, please check out this article about what Squarespace SEO can and Can't Do For You or this article about Squarespace SEO basics.

Have any questions? Leave a comment below or book a chat with an expert today.

Launch Happy

We help creatives turn their passion into a marketable, profitable business. Since 2014, We’ve become the top search specialist helping clients get more traffic on their Squarespace website. Today, we have built over 200+ websites & worked on over 750 SEO projects on Squarespace.

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