Top 10+ Video Resources on Client Relationships for New Web Designers

Being new to any career, especially in a freelancing or creative position, yields a lot of anxiety. We’re all familiar with imposter syndrome - a strong feeling of doubt and insecurity as you navigate the first few years of unfamiliar territory. When you are selling a service you can plague yourself with questions like - do you deserve to charge this much? Are you even a good candidate for this opportunity? Can you pull this off? Most likely the answer is yes - but trusting yourself can be a huge battle that only time and confidence can match.

A major factor of intimidation is almost always - client interaction. What if they don’t like the end result? What if they don’t tell you what they want? How do you know you’re charging what you’re worth? What if they’re rude, demand a refund, or try to avoid paying? We’re wholly familiar with these scenarios. We’ve come through the other side and are now able to provide our advice and tips for navigating (as well as preventing!) these uncomfortable exchanges.

Here is our list of our featured content addressing the biggest challenge in freelancing - your client relationships!

Table of Contents in Detail Hide

    Working with A Client - 3 Steps to A Successful Project

    One of our most comprehensive guides to understanding your client, understanding your project, and ensuring healthy boundaries in your client relationships so that you’re paid on time, comfortable, and confident!

    Why Your Clients Have So Many Changes They Want to Make | 3 Ways to Fix it

    Save yourself the back and forth with these tips to field an indecisive client. Here's our best practices to ensure a straightforward plan, and a few ways you can protect your project all the way to the end!

    Why Your Client Relationships Are Difficult | How To Set Boundaries

    Setting your boundaries AND establishing your value can be some of the trickiest conversations to have. We've all experienced it, here's how to work through it.

    NO MORE ANGRY CLIENTS: How to Handoff A Website to Your Difficult Client

    Can an impossible situation with a difficult client be transformed? While it sounds too good to be true, in this video, we walk through the skills and techniques to turn scary clients into more reasonable and open-minded partners. Achieve more successful web-handoffs, with the tools to be the master negotiator that you know you can be!!

    How Do I Win Over More Clients? | Squarespace Designer Tips

    Are you struggling with your confidence with clients? Don’t let your nerves prevent you from landing that huge deal! Here are my tips and thoughts on navigating client relationships with ease, and finding success both professionally and personally.

    First Questions to Ask on a Client Phone Call? | AMA Short

    A quick short that reveals the first questions you should be asking clients during your initial consult. Keep the process as streamlined as possible by ensuring you have all the answers you need going forward!

    Squarespace Designer: How To Take Client Feedback & GROW 🌿

    Good or bad - learn to listen to your clients! Their feedback is one of the most important tools for developing your business.

    Connect With Your Client In The First Call / Intro Call With Clients - Tips & Examples

    Master the introductory phone call! Connecting with clients is a tricky and most often looked over challenge in marketing, but you can really benefit from those first calls by connecting and ensuring the entire process of the project is understood!

    How Do You Pass a Completed Project to a Client?

    Now the the project is complete, sending a client their finished website requires a strategy to ensure you both secure and happy with the results. Here's our process for delivering a project efficiently and effectively!

    Should You Pay For Your Clients Site Subscription? | Squarespace Questions Answered

    A question that comes up more often than not - do your responsibilities as the designer extend to financial support (hint: absolutely not!)? But how much service should you be providing a client when using a subscription-based service like Squarespace? Here’s a great look at navigating those boundaries with your clients.

    Simple Questionnaire to Start A Website with A New Client | Squarespace Designer [Free Downloadable]

    Make it easy on yourself by providing your client with a list of common questions before the project even begins, and ensure you both are on the same page. Our free intake form we use for all clients can be found here:

    Need More Help?

    At Launch Happy, we’re all about helping small and medium businesses create a user-friendly, accessible online presence that reaches the right audiences.  

    We’re also about helping new Squarespace developers learn the ins and outs of this versatile platform. 

    If you need a little extra help, reach out to us. We offer a designer starter kit that new Squarespace designers find super useful and can help build that professional level confidence a lot of us take years to develop.

    Our Squarespace SEO packages will help you optimize your site for organic growth.  

    For free tutorials, subscribe to our YouTube channel, which brings you over 400 videos to browse and watch on your own schedule.  

    Launch Happy

    We help creatives turn their passion into a marketable, profitable business. Since 2014, We’ve become the top search specialist helping clients get more traffic on their Squarespace website. Today, we have built over 200+ websites & worked on over 750 SEO projects on Squarespace.

    Maintaining Your SEO Ranking When Moving to Squarespace


    Squarespace Membership Site Master Guide for 2023