Squarespace Guides

Free access to a set of Squarespace SEO Guides that will impress the best Squarespace Experts.

How to Become a Freelance Squarespace Designer [Video Podcast - Part 3 of 4]

How to Become a Freelance Squarespace Designer [Video Podcast - Part 3 of 4]

In this video, I talk through becoming a Squarespace designer, why to use Squarespace, and how to start a freelance web design career on Squarespace. Just like kids learn to speak before they can write, learning Squarespace can be a great introduction to website design.

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Will My Site Rank Well with Squarespace SEO? (answered: YES)
Squarespace SEO Launch Happy Squarespace SEO Launch Happy

Will My Site Rank Well with Squarespace SEO? (answered: YES)

Why Is Squarespace SEO So Important for Your Website? You know the feeling. You’ve worked hard on your website and it’s looking great. The branding is nailed, you’ve got some amazing pictures, some well thought out blog posts and a really cool theme.  You’re really impressed and proud of what you’ve achieved.  You get it all up and running, expecting the customers to be coming in their droves.  They’d have to be mad not to, right?  And…*crickets*.  It is disappointing, disheartening and discouraging.  After all, a beautiful website is pointless if no one is looking at it. 

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How to Become a Freelance Squarespace Designer [Video Podcast - Part 2 of 4]
Become A Squarespace Designer Launch Happy Become A Squarespace Designer Launch Happy

How to Become a Freelance Squarespace Designer [Video Podcast - Part 2 of 4]

In this episode, part 2 of 4 in a series that we are covering about becoming a Squarespace Designer, we will walk through your internal systems. Everyone uses systems, whether they see it or not. And the systems they use are producing the results they are getting. If you are a freelancer who is constantly stressed, your systems are pushing you in that direction. In this video we talk about the process to a smooth workflow as you land your first client, create internal processes to scale your work, how much to charge, and more!

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Hiring a Squarespace SEO Expert: Everything You Need to Know From A to Z with a List of Resources   [Free Guide]
Squarespace SEO Launch Happy Squarespace SEO Launch Happy

Hiring a Squarespace SEO Expert: Everything You Need to Know From A to Z with a List of Resources [Free Guide]

Many businesses do their own basic SEO, but if you have a Squarespace website in need of a second pair of eyes, it might be time to hire a SEO expert. But that's easier said than done β€” how do you actually go about finding the right person who fits your business and budget? Learn more in this article

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Founder Interview with Squarespace
Launch Happy Launch Happy

Founder Interview with Squarespace

I was interviewed by Squarespace to talk about my design process, why I use Squarespace, and how I’ve grown my business over the past 24 months. You can read it below or on the Squarespace website circle member story.

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Become A Squarespace Designer